Vol.4 Venture Mind (2003.7)

As I consider how Truspire can contribute to our clients through our services,the keyword that always comes to me is “Venture Mind”.

We define characters that consist “Venture Mind” as follows:

  • Involvement:Consider oneself as a decision maker
  • Positive Thinking:Accidents and happenings are keys to the new opportunities
  • See Market Globally:Buildup of niche markets becomes a substantial market
  • Being One-and-Only:Seek one’s uniqueness which will be a strength in the market

I consider above characters are something common among the most successfulventure companies.

I feel that it is getting more difficult to nourish such characters in large corporations.
It is understandable if we consider the fact that the large corporations today are struggling for not being able to adjust to the rapidly changing business environments,possibly due to the way people cling to their old way of doing business.

We believe that one of the ways that Truspire can contribute is to send out “Venture Mind” and inspire our clients.